Tuesday, March 28, 2017


March 21 - April 19: The Budding Trees Moon.

Let me tell you a story.

When our physical Medicine Wheel was first coming together, it was an exciting event.  The learning, the teaching, the knowing that our energies were all combining with one another, with the spirits of nature and, of course, with our honored stone people.

One by one, we "spoke" to the stone people and asked "Who would like to be a part of this new, but ancient wheel?".  Creator stone was already there, next were the stone people of the hub, the direction stones, the stone people on the edge of life - the moons, and the spirit path stones.  This took a long time.  

Before arriving at our Gathering, we were invited to bring a special stone (if we had one) that would sit in the Wheel for just that day and be part of the ceremony; charged with energy.  I had one such stone and was very happy to bring it.

Each stone along the outer edge of the Wheel has a date range it represents - like an astrological sign.  We were given a printout of the Wheel and each of us claimed the moon position within which our birthday fell.  This was monumental for me!  My birthday fell within the Budding Trees Moon...everything represented in that position on the Wheel screamed my name!

Soon I found and placed the stone who wanted to be in that position.  Alongside it I placed the stone I had brought.

The Budding Trees Moon - the beginning of Spring, my favorite season; Fire Opal - a gemstone I fell in love with many years ago while at a gem & mineral show; Dandelion - my favorite flower from childhood - because everyone hated them, I loved their happy yellow faces and all the wishes when it became fuzzy; Red Hawk - my love of birds and the hawks that always seem to be near when I look around.

When I got home that night I read and read about everything Budding Trees Moon.  THEN I came across something incredible to ME.

In my reading I found that the red-tailed hawk was Crazy Horse's spirit guardian.  The stone I brought to the Wheel and placed next to the position represented by red-tailed hawk, was a stone that chose me when I was 17 years old out in South Dakota.....that very stone came from the creation of the Crazy Horse Memorial.  Wow....

And THAT is a perfect example of how you know the Medicine Wheel is speaking to you! 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring and the Big Winds Moon

TODAY - the first day of Spring - and on the Medicine Wheel, this day falls on the last day of The Big Winds Moon.  Our helpers are Turquoise, Plantain, Cougar, Blue and Green, and elemental influence of the Frog clan.

Not too many days ago, white was all that we saw.  Yes, the winds of the Northwest brought us a good bit of snow - a "last hurrah"!  This past Ohio Winter was very mild.  February brought us temps in the near 70's!  We were spoiled - but the snow came fast, it was deep in areas, and it was cleansing.  Today we enjoy the BLUE sky and the GREEN of new life from Mother Earth.

The commonality of our helpers during The Big Winds Moon is: Healing.

Turquoise is a source of protection, as well as healing - which is a BIG word - HEALING.  You can think of turquoise being used in protection as a preventative healing!  Turquoise also strengthens a person's natural healing abilities.  The mineral Turquoise will often contain Pyrite flakes, veins of Black Oxide, or other secondary Copper materials, especially Chrysocolla.  Along with holistic healing abilities, I'd venture to say that by wearing Turquoise in direct contact with skin, the micro-nutrient properties of the copper within Turquoise is absorbed into the bloodstream to further healing.

Plantain (not the tropical banana looking plant), a common "weed", is found in many yards and fields.  I can tell you Ohio is rife with it - well, at least my property is.  My chickens love it, and that's good.  The leaves may be eaten fresh or cooked, made into a tea for heartburn, or as a salve or pultice for bites, rashes, and cuts.  It's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

When we meditate on, or experience Cougar power, we are taught healing in the form of self preservation.  The Cougar is intuitively sensitive and precisely decisive; these abilities help in recognizing threats, uncovering resources and places of safety.  Cougar also teaches us to quietly observe before making choices.

"The blue of Turquoise is a sky blue, similar to the sky blue representing Father Sun. This blue can indicate either idealistic, selfless, artistic, and spiritual feelings or melancholy feelings and self-imposed struggles. The green of Turquoise helps to balance these two tendencies with the serenity of a true connection with nature. Having the color Turquoise around you helps to strengthen any latent artistic or healing abilities. It also helps you to feel the connection you have between the Sky and the Earth." (Dancing With The Wheel, pg. 203) 

"The Frog clan can teach you about the cleansing aspects of your being, such as those aspects that allow you to purge yourself of past hurts through the gift of tears.  It also teaches about the earth cleansing." (Dancing With The Wheel, pg. 28) 


With the cold of Winter behind us, the rest and cleansing have taken place and renewal arrives with Spring!

Monday, December 5, 2016


At Medicine Wheel last Friday, the stone we learned from was “Introspection”; it is the 2nd Spirit Path stone coming from the West as we go toward center, Creator.  That night I shared the teaching of what I learned from this stone.

There was no ignoring the fact that this stone was teaching us about “little things” – physically and figuratively - from the small mouse, the tiny Chamomile, and the fleeting streaks of Pyrite within Lapis Lazuli, you might miss these things and their stories if you always live large. 

Which brings me to what’s really been on my mind. 

When it comes to pipelines, I stand with Standing Rock – but only because that new pipeline and any others, at the very least, should not go through a body of water (nor any land falling under broken treaties - but that's another issue).  I am happy to hear that the Army Corps of Engineers is not granting the easement, that a re-route is now possible. 

However, I am unable to support the notion of “no pipeline”.  Whether across the country or in my own backyard, of which there are two crude oil lines running under my property – one is new and in current use.  It also was re-routed around a local lake due to probable contamination.  Our community fought the pipeline through legal means and had to settle one way or another.  I was emotionally devastated when that pipeline came through.  You have no idea what it feels like to this day; the grass struggles to grow, the land is hurting, my heart aches – but there are small signs of recovery. 

There is another pipeline coming through the community where I work.  People are fighting it – and I understand that.  But, the pipelines will come.  Just because you don’t want it in your neighborhood, again I completely understand how you feel, through whose neighborhood do you suggest the pipeline should run through?  Because it will come.  You require it.  

It is extremely hypocritical to fight for “no pipeline” or, for that matter, “no coal burning”, unless you are living completely independent of all energy sources.  You must denounce everything that is not handmade, not made without the assistance of power tools.  How does your indoor plumbing work?  Your tv or radio – break it down; the physical unit, the reception, how did it all come to be?  Where do you get your food and clothing?  What do you do for uncommon physical ailments; the diseases?  How do you go on vacation?  Don’t take a plane – I don’t care how far your family lives.  Cars, gas or electric powered, neither is better than the other, nor is the way they come into existence. 

You must leave the home you live in and build a new dwelling, one made from hand cut wood.  You must hunt with a handmade bow and arrows, snares, and fishing line.  You must plant with gathered seeds from unadulterated plants – hybrid seeds will not produce the same plant from which the seeds were gathered.  You will gather eggs and butcher livestock, you will harvest and thresh wheat; you will bake breads, dry and can food and have something useful to share and trade with your neighbors.  Who will spin wool, cure animal hides, and pick cotton to create your clothing?  Who will dig your grave? 

I may sound extreme, but when you break it all down – oil, gas, and coal are a part of everything we do.  WE are contributors to pipelines – no one, not even the Amish are without sin. 

I’ll admit, I used to think “so what if other countries drill for oil on their land and we buy it – it’s not destroying our land – let them worry about it or not, let them take the risk.”  Wow.  It’s still the same planet, there is still life caught in the middle – it hurts wherever the deeds are done. 

So…little things.  We must sit at the stone of Introspection and go deep within.  Seek out the mouse and what you can learn.  Mouse goes about his tiny world, gathering what he needs and saving what he might, there is always something to learn.  Mouse is aware of what goes on in the world around him, but that does not distract him from HIS part in contributing to the whole.  Mouse keeps his house in order, that is how he is helpful. 

Be tiny, work within to affect without.  

Monday, August 1, 2016


"Pray about everything.  Worry about nothing." -Philippians 4:6, paraphrased

For almost sixteen years "God's Garden" grew and changed and became even more amazing with each year.  Over 350' in length and 4' deep, all things were planted by the Creator.  All the different wild things, each with their own reason and purpose, each made me smile: rambling roses, wildflowers and blackberries, tall grasses, cattails, and more.  Perfect and untouched.  Then, two years ago, a crude oil pipeline went in.  The majority of "God's Garden" was destroyed.  My heart was cut deep.  It wasn't just the plant life that was killed, that had made their home there, it was the loss of home and food for all the creatures who lived there.  Where would the birds eat?  Where would the bunnies sleep?  Where would the spiders spin and the bees gather their pollen?  Those were silly thoughts but, to me, it was the end of their world and I was sad.

A small part of "God's Garden" survived and the rest is struggling to return.  There are a couple trees growing and a section of blackberries that had previously not grown very well.  My husband checked on the berries the other day - he said there were TONS of berries, a lot were red yet but he came back with a handful of the best tasting blackberries I'd had in a long time!  Yesterday I went down to pick some.....WOW! 

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, 
and he saves those whose spirits have been crushed." -Psalm 34:18

How could I have fretted so?  I give too much credit to the destructive abilities of man.  Would not the Creator plant again?  Love ALWAYS wins!

"Give Thanks in everything" 
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Essential to a full and happy life is to see the beauty in all living beings.  Even the most heinous, vile person was once not that way.  Babies, human or animal, are not born wicked, it is taught.  That innocent soul is still there, whether beyond reach or not.  Mourn the unreachable but pray as well.

The object of a full and happy life is to appreciate, share, and enjoy the magnificence of life itself.  To hate is human, but we don't have to live in it.

The obligation to a full and happy life is to instill children with compassion and respect for all life; to encourage wonder and laughter, dreams, hope, and belief.

A full and happy life is not fantasy.  It's the way you interpret and create reality.  All life is connected on some level - you are never alone, just a small integral part of the web.  Live with purpose, gratitude, and love.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Wisdom from the Trees

Looking east this morning I saw something.  The tiny pines I planted several years ago have certainly grown!  I wonder how much shade that will create.  Then, listening, I heard the trees speak "The same privacy you plant to block the people also blocks the light".  There is a lot to ponder in that statement.  

Saturday, September 5, 2015


My Meditation Painting
Last night at our Medicine Wheel Gathering, I kept getting an Orange tree during meditation time.  I had no clue what that meant.  

On my way home that evening, I was still really thinking on that Orange tree!  I stopped at a stop sign and noticed the car in front of me had Florida plates - ORANGES - staring right at me!  Weird, I thought, but what does that mean??  ORANGES - I was laughing now.  This Florida car was doing about 10 mph BELOW the speed limit.  That never really bothers me because I always know, when I have somewhere important to be (like getting home to lock up the chicken coops) and a car in front of me is going slow, I should just chill and follow the car without passing, because Creator is keeping me from trouble.  

Soon the potential trouble happened!  I saw the deer, so did Florida and he stopped in the nick of time.  The deer may have bumped the car's front corner, but it stopped quickly as well. His feet skidded, he fell, jumped up and ran back to the field.  Didn't appear to be injured.  If Florida hadn't been driving so slowly in front of me, I would have been doing the speed limit (at least) and probably have wiped out that deer (making me super sad).  Yeah, I think that's what the Orange tree meant.  

To continue the story...when we (the Florida car and I) got to the next stop sign, I caught a glimpse of his whole license plate before he made his turn south.  Did that plate read "In God We Trust" along the bottom???  No...I must have been seeing things.  I turned south as well and tried to catch up to that car to get another look.  Hahaha ~ there was NO catching up.  Florida found his gas pedal and left me in the dust!  

Checked it out - YES, Florida does have Specialty Plates which read "In God We Trust" along the bottom! 

I always get something out of Medicine Wheel, but the Orange tree, and what happened on the way home, was just weird.....good "weird" though.