Monday, December 5, 2016


At Medicine Wheel last Friday, the stone we learned from was “Introspection”; it is the 2nd Spirit Path stone coming from the West as we go toward center, Creator.  That night I shared the teaching of what I learned from this stone.

There was no ignoring the fact that this stone was teaching us about “little things” – physically and figuratively - from the small mouse, the tiny Chamomile, and the fleeting streaks of Pyrite within Lapis Lazuli, you might miss these things and their stories if you always live large. 

Which brings me to what’s really been on my mind. 

When it comes to pipelines, I stand with Standing Rock – but only because that new pipeline and any others, at the very least, should not go through a body of water (nor any land falling under broken treaties - but that's another issue).  I am happy to hear that the Army Corps of Engineers is not granting the easement, that a re-route is now possible. 

However, I am unable to support the notion of “no pipeline”.  Whether across the country or in my own backyard, of which there are two crude oil lines running under my property – one is new and in current use.  It also was re-routed around a local lake due to probable contamination.  Our community fought the pipeline through legal means and had to settle one way or another.  I was emotionally devastated when that pipeline came through.  You have no idea what it feels like to this day; the grass struggles to grow, the land is hurting, my heart aches – but there are small signs of recovery. 

There is another pipeline coming through the community where I work.  People are fighting it – and I understand that.  But, the pipelines will come.  Just because you don’t want it in your neighborhood, again I completely understand how you feel, through whose neighborhood do you suggest the pipeline should run through?  Because it will come.  You require it.  

It is extremely hypocritical to fight for “no pipeline” or, for that matter, “no coal burning”, unless you are living completely independent of all energy sources.  You must denounce everything that is not handmade, not made without the assistance of power tools.  How does your indoor plumbing work?  Your tv or radio – break it down; the physical unit, the reception, how did it all come to be?  Where do you get your food and clothing?  What do you do for uncommon physical ailments; the diseases?  How do you go on vacation?  Don’t take a plane – I don’t care how far your family lives.  Cars, gas or electric powered, neither is better than the other, nor is the way they come into existence. 

You must leave the home you live in and build a new dwelling, one made from hand cut wood.  You must hunt with a handmade bow and arrows, snares, and fishing line.  You must plant with gathered seeds from unadulterated plants – hybrid seeds will not produce the same plant from which the seeds were gathered.  You will gather eggs and butcher livestock, you will harvest and thresh wheat; you will bake breads, dry and can food and have something useful to share and trade with your neighbors.  Who will spin wool, cure animal hides, and pick cotton to create your clothing?  Who will dig your grave? 

I may sound extreme, but when you break it all down – oil, gas, and coal are a part of everything we do.  WE are contributors to pipelines – no one, not even the Amish are without sin. 

I’ll admit, I used to think “so what if other countries drill for oil on their land and we buy it – it’s not destroying our land – let them worry about it or not, let them take the risk.”  Wow.  It’s still the same planet, there is still life caught in the middle – it hurts wherever the deeds are done. 

So…little things.  We must sit at the stone of Introspection and go deep within.  Seek out the mouse and what you can learn.  Mouse goes about his tiny world, gathering what he needs and saving what he might, there is always something to learn.  Mouse is aware of what goes on in the world around him, but that does not distract him from HIS part in contributing to the whole.  Mouse keeps his house in order, that is how he is helpful. 

Be tiny, work within to affect without.  

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