Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring and the Big Winds Moon

TODAY - the first day of Spring - and on the Medicine Wheel, this day falls on the last day of The Big Winds Moon.  Our helpers are Turquoise, Plantain, Cougar, Blue and Green, and elemental influence of the Frog clan.

Not too many days ago, white was all that we saw.  Yes, the winds of the Northwest brought us a good bit of snow - a "last hurrah"!  This past Ohio Winter was very mild.  February brought us temps in the near 70's!  We were spoiled - but the snow came fast, it was deep in areas, and it was cleansing.  Today we enjoy the BLUE sky and the GREEN of new life from Mother Earth.

The commonality of our helpers during The Big Winds Moon is: Healing.

Turquoise is a source of protection, as well as healing - which is a BIG word - HEALING.  You can think of turquoise being used in protection as a preventative healing!  Turquoise also strengthens a person's natural healing abilities.  The mineral Turquoise will often contain Pyrite flakes, veins of Black Oxide, or other secondary Copper materials, especially Chrysocolla.  Along with holistic healing abilities, I'd venture to say that by wearing Turquoise in direct contact with skin, the micro-nutrient properties of the copper within Turquoise is absorbed into the bloodstream to further healing.

Plantain (not the tropical banana looking plant), a common "weed", is found in many yards and fields.  I can tell you Ohio is rife with it - well, at least my property is.  My chickens love it, and that's good.  The leaves may be eaten fresh or cooked, made into a tea for heartburn, or as a salve or pultice for bites, rashes, and cuts.  It's antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

When we meditate on, or experience Cougar power, we are taught healing in the form of self preservation.  The Cougar is intuitively sensitive and precisely decisive; these abilities help in recognizing threats, uncovering resources and places of safety.  Cougar also teaches us to quietly observe before making choices.

"The blue of Turquoise is a sky blue, similar to the sky blue representing Father Sun. This blue can indicate either idealistic, selfless, artistic, and spiritual feelings or melancholy feelings and self-imposed struggles. The green of Turquoise helps to balance these two tendencies with the serenity of a true connection with nature. Having the color Turquoise around you helps to strengthen any latent artistic or healing abilities. It also helps you to feel the connection you have between the Sky and the Earth." (Dancing With The Wheel, pg. 203) 

"The Frog clan can teach you about the cleansing aspects of your being, such as those aspects that allow you to purge yourself of past hurts through the gift of tears.  It also teaches about the earth cleansing." (Dancing With The Wheel, pg. 28) 


With the cold of Winter behind us, the rest and cleansing have taken place and renewal arrives with Spring!

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